Invited talks, panels, presentations. Generally excluding talks in support of published academic papers.
- "ChatGPT basics", Cal Poly library, Mar. 2023
- "AI and Education: Teaching in the Age of ChatGPT", IATPP panel, Mar. 2023
- "AI tools for reporters" talk and presentation to CalMatters corporation, Nov. 2022
- "Tech for Social Good and Public Policy" talk at TechShift Alliance, Sep. 2022
- "Digital Democracy" interviewed for The Technically Human Podcast, Jan. 2022
- "Gerrymandering in America" (Cal Poly Authors: Michael Latner) Audio from Digital Commons, Dec. 2020
- “Introduction to AIY Voice and Visions Systems”, WISH / Cal Poly, Summer 2020
- Panel Discussion on AI / Allan Hancock College, Feb. 2019
- “Introduction to Game Jams”, iLRN analog jam, Missoula, Montana, Jul. 2018
- “Introduction to NLP”, Linghacks, Fremont, California, Apr. 2018
- “Global Game Jam: A Ten Year Retrospective”, IndieCade, Los Angeles, Oct. 2017
- “Game Jams”, panelist for talk at Dragon Con, Atlanta, Georgia, Sep. 2017
- “Digital Democracy and Government Transparency”, Cal Poly Open Access Week at the Kennedy Library, San Luis Obispo, Oct. 2016
- “Games Research at Cal Poly”, delivered at American University, Washington, D.C., 2016
- Opening speech of the IT-festival held on the occasion of the International Day of Cosmonautics at the Kirovograd Flight Academy in Ukraine, 2016
- “Emerging Markets: Internet of Things”, Cal Poly Career Center panel, May 2016
- “Data Sustainability”, invited panelist at the Nonprofit Technology Conference (NTC), San Jose, California, 2016
- “Digital Democracy”, delivered to San Luis Obispo RAMS group meeting, 2015
- Keynote, First Global Student Game Developer Competition, Tehran, Iran, 2014
- “The Global Game Jam”, South Urals State University, Chelyabisnk, Russia, 2013
- “Learn by Doing: Using Rapid Prototyping Game Development Events to Enhance and Augment the Classroom Experience”, delivered at SIGGRAPH 2013
- “Programming in English (almost!) with Inform7”, presentation at Cal Poly, April 2012
- “Inventing Next-Generation Entertainment: Profiting from the disruptive convergence of film, television, music, gaming and computing”, panelist for Cal Poly Orfalea College of Business, Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship event, November 2011
- “Philanthropy from the Cal Poly Perspective”, panelist on the President’s Cabinet meeting, California Polytechnic State University, November 2011
- “Game Jam in a Box”, presented at the Game Developers Conference (GDC), March 2011
- “Intel AppUp for Gaming”, Cogswell, Polytechnical College, January 2011
- “Global Game Jam 2011 / Intel AppUp for Gaming”, California Polytechnic State University, January 2011
- "Learn by doing: 10 Game Jam lessons for the classroom", at Game Education Summit of North America, June 2010
- “Computational Stylistics: Classification, Generation and Transformation”, UCSC Research Review Day, Santa Cruz, October 2010
- “Global Game Jam Blasts”, at the Game Developers Conference, March 2010
- “Global Game Jam and Game Education”, at American University in Cairo, October 2009
- “Global Game Jam Blasts Off!”, at the Game Developers Conference, March 2009